Monday, July 8, 2013


Below is a copy of a Mission Update Letter:

First, I thank you for your prayers and support during my time in England.  I believe the good fruit I witnessed during my time there, was a result of your personal prayer and sacrifice for the mission.    I pray the Lord will reveal to you the important  role your prayers have played in the missionary work of the Church, that you might be encouraged to continue to pray and stand firm in faith that the Lord is indeed at work in mighty ways throughout the whole of humanity.
As I have pondered how and what to share with you about such a grace filled time, I thought I should first share with you a story.   At the top of this letter, you see two pictures.   Both pictures, as you can see, involve a tree.  This tree was on the grounds of SPEC (the retreat community where I was serving in England).   From the first time I was in England for missionary work, nearly 5 years ago, this tree was the topic of conversation.  There was just something about this tree.   It was large, and in the middle of a prominent field.  And, for some reason people always felt drawn to it.  There would always be visitors taking pictures of it, people wanting to climb it and touch it, people always talking about it.   The most interesting thing about the tree was…. IT WAS DEAD.   It had been dead for a long time.  But, it was somewhat of a landmark and was actually historically ‘listed’.   So, this dead tree could never and was never cut down.   This was strange but, fascinating.   Well,  it seems God had something to say through this old dead tree.   And, as St Ignatius teaches us “God labours through all of creation”… He labours to reveal to us His love, His truth…. If only we are still enough to notice.
About a month before I returned to the U.S.., I had a friend visit from America.   She and I woke early to walk the grounds of SPEC so that she could take a look around before she returned home.   As we were walking, we began to talk about all the great miracles that God had been about here in the community, on the retreats and in the hearts of so many.   I was sharing with her about the beautiful renewal that was taking place in England… in our little community and beyond.   And, as I was sharing, a great rainbow appeared.  It began in the back of the main SPEC building and seemed to arch straight towards that tree.  It seemed to be going directly into the center of that dead tree.   We were both very moved by this and knew in our hearts it was a great gift from the Lord.  We were both left with a tremendous hope in our hearts.
Then, about 2 weeks later, on the day the Core Community of SPEC met to pray, seeking God’s Will for the community, another clear sign occurred.  The tree split completely and entirely around the trunk and fell in pieces to the ground.  This tree,  which had been dead yet remaining upright (and made to stand) for so many years… was suddenly crumbled to the ground.   And, in the very center of where this old dead tree had stood, was another beautiful sign.     There, the only thing left standing was a new sapling growing out of the center.    When I saw the tree, so clearly in my heart the Lord said “BEHOLD, I AM MAKING ALL THINGS NEW” (Rev 21:5).   And it seemed to me such a confirmation of the ‘NEW’ thing God is doing in England.   He is renewing His Church… heart by heart by heart.  Freeing His children… mind by mind by mind. 
I have had the humble privilege of witnessing so many miracles during my 2 years in England.  As a missionary, this is a beautiful grace from God, to be able to witness His great and mighty works so to share the wonders of His goodness to many.   Also as  a missionary,  before you are sent, the Lord so often offers a glimpse or a sense of all He desires to do.   I am in awe that He has fulfilled so much in such a short amount of time.   Things are where I would have hoped them to be years from now.   And my heart has SUCH A GREAT HOPE FOR EUROPE!   
I will be writing more individual stories however, for the purpose of this update, I want to share with you a brief overview and some of what God has done in the SPEC community.   May all Glory be to God alone, who is the ONE who has brought all of these good things into being.    
SPEC, as many of you know,  is a retreat community, under the mandate of the Diocese of Westminster.  It was established to form and empower young adults in their missionary mandate and to reach the young people of the diocese through retreat ministry.   The CORE Community consists of several families and singles who live there year round.  They then welcome in around 15-18 young adults each year, coming from all over the world.  These young adults come for a year of spiritual formation, to live in Christian Community, and to help serve on the retreats.   The retreats run for either a day or up to 3 days, serving young people in the diocese ages 8-18. 
In my years there, one of the greatest transformations was God bringing clarity to the vision, mission and spirituality of the community.   There was an openness to begin a time of formation with the Core Community, into group discernment and prayer.   From there, so many beautiful things began to happen.  Prayer and humble obedience is always the first step!
Foundationally, the Eucharist and a devotion to Mary became pillars to the community’s spirituality.   A rhythm of prayer was secured and daily time before the Blessed Sacrament was established.   Also, the community took on a ‘Way of Life’, which consists of specific ways the community was committed to live out the gospel and to intentionally reflect on this in our daily routines.
Also, there was a commitment to devote more intentional time to Missionary Formation for the young adults.   Through these changes, there was tremendous fruit.  The first blessings were seen in the lives of the young adult missionaries.   Many young adults experienced deep conversion and healing, coming into a deep and personal love with Our Lord and awakening a love for the Church.    The time set apart to ‘listen’ and discern God’s Will also yielded much, as 3 of the young adults have gone and several are now in full time ministry work.  
Another fruit was a community evidently and intentionally seeking holiness and the joy that comes from serving and following the Lord.   Young people who came on retreat began to notice a difference.  They would say things like “everyone looks so happy, is it always like that here’  or “there is something different here, it is good and I want to know more” or “I always thought being holy meant I couldn’t be myself but, now I see there is something very real and beautiful about it”.    This joy the young people who came to us saw was the Lord through the community.   What a great witness this can be.  This witnessed helped point to the Lord and yielded an openness of heart and openness of ear to the good news of the gospel.
We also witnessed hundreds of young people experiencing the love of God, often for the first time as well as them discovering the beauty and richness of the Church, in Her teachings and in the Sacraments.   One particular young woman said “I came here not believing in God.  Now I am leaving in love with Him and wanting everyone to know!”.   Or to hear from the young people that their favorite part of the retreat was so often “Adoration” or “Mass” or “Confession”.   One young man saying “I have fought my mother every Sunday about going to Mass  But now, after what I experienced at adoration, I can’t wait to go to Mass.”   Mother Teresa often said “bring the young people to the Eucharist”.   What great wisdom…. If only we bring others to Him, present in the Eucharist, HE does ALL the rest.  And will always do what He promised.   May our hearts always believe in the power of His Eucharistic presence!
Also, during my time in England I witnessed many marriages and families experiencing conversion and healing.  Several families who had been subtly disconnected with the authority, teachings and sacramental life of the Church have discovered anew and come back to the heart of the Church. 
In addition to retreat ministry, there were also remarkable things experienced in London through evangelical outreach…. and by the great simplicity of being ‘present’ and ‘available’ to God there.  
So many stories I could tell and in so much more detail.  However, I pray this offers a glimpse of the great wonders God is working in that place.  
Through my own personal discernment, I believe the Lord has asked me to return to the states for now.   In missionary life, it is always difficult to leave the people and nation you have grown to love so profoundly.  It is after all, a small glimpse of His very love for His people in that place.   And, for God to share even such a small glimpse with my heart is a gift beyond measure!  Please continue to pray for the Church in Europe and that God might protect and grow all He has planted in the hearts of so many!
I humbly ask also for your prayers for me during this time of transition and discernment.   Please pray the Holy Spirit might guide me and make know God’s Will in all things.
Be assured of my continued prayers for you.