Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gathering of many nations...

Lately, everywhere you go there is an undercurrent of excitement in anticipation of the Olympic Games to be held here next summer. It seems that as London prepares to gather the nations through these upcoming events, so too is the Father gathering the nations here at SPEC. A little over a week ago, we welcomed into the community young adults from England, Germany, Belgium, North Korea, the United States and New Zealand.

Despite our different origins, languages, gifts, and shortcomings...He is gathering us to be united in one heart and one mind. And, for one purpose, to make known the good news of the gospel and His unfailing love.

These young men and women have joined the resident community here to spend the next year living in community, experiencing a way of life centered on the Eucharist and nourished by a rhythm of prayer. It will be a year set apart for them, a year devoted to the Lord. They will be developing and growing in their own spiritual formation and serving through the retreat ministry here at SPEC. All of us together, in the pursuit of holiness.

Please pray for us as a community.

Mary, Queen of All Nations, pray for us.
Mary, teach us what it is to be a family.

The Dawning of Hope

To all of you who have prayed for me and for the mission here in England ... with all my heart I thank you and assure you of my constant prayers for you. It is through your prayers that I believe God has made a way for the many beautiful things beginning to happen here. And, there truly is a tangible dawning of new hope and blessings for the Church here in England and the greater Europe.

It has felt as though the world's eyes have often shifted attention to this little island since my arrival. The initial demands of the ministry here did not allow much time for things like updating this blog, but, in many ways I have been grateful that the stories from England have potentially reached you and updated you a bit on life here. And so, from news of Royal Weddings to Riots...and Olympic games to The Anglican Ordinariate ... I have prayed that as these stories, joyful and sorrowful would reach the lives of many, and that somehow God would inspire us, as a family, to pray for this nation and His Church here.

The vast contrast of these news events really does mirror so much of my own experience here since I arrived. And, I do hope to share more stories with you very soon. For now, I share only that He has continued to grow my confidence that, in the Kingdom, God can accomplish much through patient waiting.... as we wait with Him, who has promised never to leave us.

And so, as I sit to write this... my heart and prayer tonight is especially with all of you who have been waiting, waiting for your hearts longings, waiting for the breakthrough of new life in relationships and situations and circumstances. As well as those who are particularly laboring in the vineyard of our Lord here in Europe... may our Mother Mary be with you to bring you comfort and the hope of her Son. In great confidence, I trust much is coming to all those who have waited on His promise.

"They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar as with eagle's wings; they will run and not grow weary, they will run and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

~ Mary, teach us what it is to be a family.