Saturday, December 3, 2011


Today's Gospel Mt 9:35-10:1, 5a, 6-8

Jesus went around to all the towns and villages,
teaching in their synagogues,
proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom,
and curing every disease and illness.
At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for them
because they were troubled and abandoned,
like sheep without a shepherd.
Then he said to his disciples,
"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few;
so ask the master of the harvest
to send out laborers for his harvest."

Today's Gospel was one that was such a great consolation to me. The first few verses could not better describe what I feel I experience here on a daily basis. To go where He goes, so often means daily encounters with those who are in need of deep healing. Emotionally, spiritually, and physically... there are so many in need of healing. And so many who seem to be aimlessly searching but without any direction.. "like sheep without a shepherd" Matthew 9:36.

It is so often easier for us to see and attend to the needs of others when they are so apparent... like when you are caring for those poor in material goods... what they need is evident. They need a warm coat. They need a new pair of shoes to protect their feet. They need a meal. But, the poverty the Lord has sent me to care for in this season of my life is much different. It is a poverty of faith.. a poverty of truth. And, hearts that are wounded by such a poverty. In both of these ways of poverty however, there is one remedy that seems to never fail... it is the remedy of LOVE. To love without condition is how He always cares for us. And it is the way He asks us also to love.

And the more our eyes are open to the needs of others... the more we recognize how much need there really is. Isn't this also what was unfolding in this passage from Matthew. In the presence of Jesus ALL that woundedness is illuminated and Jesus' heart desired for each of them to be made whole. And so it must have seemed overwhelming for the disciples as they begin to walk with the Lord... suddenly crowds of people needing healing, needing direction were made known to them. And Jesus said, "ASK". He said, "ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for the harvest." Matthew 9:38

This is what I have been praying since I arrived..."Father, please send others. Please send more missionaries here to England." And, what a great blessing that He IS sending others. He is sending 2 other missionaries to SPEC.

Please pray for Nick and Amanda who will be coming to England in January. They were both missionaries through Life Teen Missions. And, they are both very dear to me. What a tremendous gift that God would make a way for there to be 2 positions here at SPEC and for them to be sent here at the same time. I am amazed at the careful orchestration of God! There is nothing He can not do!

Today's gospel is also a reminder... everywhere in the world today it seems there is the need for more laborers. Today, you and I will continue to have encounters with those who are in need of healing and who are deeply in need of love. May the Lord help us to recognize and respond to these needs... to be present to everyone we encounter. And, let us all continue to do as Jesus said, and ASK for more laborers!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Preparation... it is happening everywhere here in England. The city is cleaning and building in preparation for the Olympic Games that will be here next summer. Many of the students here are preparing for their upcoming exams. Today, I am cleaning the chapel knowing that we will be getting ready for Advent soon. And, just as I felt prompted to begin to clean the chapel and get ready for what was to come... there is an invitation also to be present interiorly to this time preceding Advent.

In the last blog, the Word highlighted from Ecclesiastes spoke of each season having its definite purpose. And what a beautiful time to be with Mary as she was in an intentional season before the Annunciation.

But does that time before the Angel came have to teach us? What does Mary teach us?

Surely, she must have had stirrings in her heart in those preceding weeks and months... desires which the Father had already knit into her. Desires which she would have been attentive to. Desires which she would have already been sharing with God as He awakened them in her heart. And what beauty that she teaches us that she simply remained in great humility and related all these stirrings in her heart back to God. She would not have taken them and tried to figure things out on her own or make sense of it all or demand immediate clarity or even move God's plan along ... no, she teaches us a more perfect way of surrender to the One who holds the seasons of our lives in His hands. She shows us how to be present to each moment and give all things back to God - always. She would have perfectly lived out that season preceding the annunciation.. for it indeed had a great purpose as well.

In my life He has given many opportunities to grow in patience. And I have grown to love the waiting. NOT that the waiting is easy or glamourous or something that would attract others as a way of living. BUT, I do know that He is IN the waiting. And because of that, there is faith in the waiting.. there is hope in the waiting... there is love in the waiting. So, when the world cries out for immediacy... even as others look for immediate evidence of great fruitfulness in ministry.. He is this contradiction and He is the only source of all fulfillment. We are all being prepared and we are all waiting for something... can we receive the hope in the waiting as Mary did? Can we share those desires to God?

For Mary, in those weeks months and years before the annunciation, The Father, her beloved, would have already been part of an ongoing exchange, as she shared all things with Him. In this sort of faithful sharing there is trust, intimacy and a communion of hearts. There is an invitation in this closeness to God also for each of us. This intimate love is what anchors us for all that may be difficult in our lives. And, through such a way of sharing there is the beauty of being emptied of our own Will.. in order to become open to receive His Will and His desires for our life.

One of the greatest gifts in my life is to be with Mary as she teaches my heart so much. And as we invite her into our lives during this time and we stay present to the present moment or the present season we can ask her to teach us to simply be present to each moment WITH God. And to share and relate everything back to God. For He who holds all things in His hands is the one to perfectly orchestrates each and every season of our lives!

The first lines from one of St Therese's prayers...
May there be peace within you.
Today, may you trust you are EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE MEANT TO BE

There is such hope in this. And a beautiful invitation of surrender.... trusting He is always leading... He is always caring.... and He is always the one looking ahead so that we can be where we need to be... in the PRESENT moment of our lives.

Mary, teach us to be present to the present moment, surrendered totally to the Fahter's perfect care!

Bless you all.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"To everything there is a season and a time for every affair under the heavens" Ecclesiastes 4:1

Above is a picture from Austria. Last month, I was so very blessed to be able to travel there for 10 days on silent retreat. What a great blessing of providence that the Father would arrange for this time away and that He would connect me to a wonderful American priest who has been living in Austria for nearly 20 years.

As you can see in the picture, when I arrived in Austria it was the peak of Autumn, with nature announcing the beauty of a change that was in process. The few days before I left for Austria there were only the first signs of this change in England... however, when I returned nearly all the leaves were fallen to the ground and the trees were barren. In what seemed like so short a time ... everything in nature had just 'moved right along' to something new.

After living in Arizona for so many years without any real seasonal changes, I experienced so much more amazement at natures transitions this year. Returning from Austria, as I drove onto the grounds at the SPEC Centre I was utterly amazed at how quickly things had looked so COMPLETELY different... yet how gently it had all happened. In that moment the Father reminded me.... the seasons of our lives can also change in an instant.

So much has seemed this same way here in England. For some things, it feels like I enter a new week and recognize suddenly but gently a new season has arrived. For example, families I have been journeying with who once felt alienated and far from Jesus' presence in the Sacraments and teachings of the Church are now experiencing much grace and blessings in the Sacramental life of Church. And true miracles of renewal and awakening are happening. Couples are praying together and are going to daily Mass and finding much consolation and grace. And they are experiencing a gift of Understanding in the Truth ... again, a new season has come.. yet it has been so gentle.

In this New Evangelization this seems to be such a hallmark of the renewal.. a change, an awakening, an intimacy with God.. yet so gentle.. like a dewfall that slowly gathers until it is noticed in the morning light.

Thank you Jesus for all you are doing! We pray that You would renew your Church, Lord.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Art of Living

"The first form of witness is the very life of the missionary, of the Christian family, and of the ecclesial community, which reveal a new way of living. The missionary who, despite all his or her human limitations and defects, lives a simple life, taking Christ as the model, is a sign of God and of transcendent realities. But, everyone in the Church, striving to imitate the Divine Master, can and must bear this kind of witness. In many cases this is the only possible way of being a missionary."

John Paul the II in the encyclical Mission of the Redeemer.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gathering of many nations...

Lately, everywhere you go there is an undercurrent of excitement in anticipation of the Olympic Games to be held here next summer. It seems that as London prepares to gather the nations through these upcoming events, so too is the Father gathering the nations here at SPEC. A little over a week ago, we welcomed into the community young adults from England, Germany, Belgium, North Korea, the United States and New Zealand.

Despite our different origins, languages, gifts, and shortcomings...He is gathering us to be united in one heart and one mind. And, for one purpose, to make known the good news of the gospel and His unfailing love.

These young men and women have joined the resident community here to spend the next year living in community, experiencing a way of life centered on the Eucharist and nourished by a rhythm of prayer. It will be a year set apart for them, a year devoted to the Lord. They will be developing and growing in their own spiritual formation and serving through the retreat ministry here at SPEC. All of us together, in the pursuit of holiness.

Please pray for us as a community.

Mary, Queen of All Nations, pray for us.
Mary, teach us what it is to be a family.

The Dawning of Hope

To all of you who have prayed for me and for the mission here in England ... with all my heart I thank you and assure you of my constant prayers for you. It is through your prayers that I believe God has made a way for the many beautiful things beginning to happen here. And, there truly is a tangible dawning of new hope and blessings for the Church here in England and the greater Europe.

It has felt as though the world's eyes have often shifted attention to this little island since my arrival. The initial demands of the ministry here did not allow much time for things like updating this blog, but, in many ways I have been grateful that the stories from England have potentially reached you and updated you a bit on life here. And so, from news of Royal Weddings to Riots...and Olympic games to The Anglican Ordinariate ... I have prayed that as these stories, joyful and sorrowful would reach the lives of many, and that somehow God would inspire us, as a family, to pray for this nation and His Church here.

The vast contrast of these news events really does mirror so much of my own experience here since I arrived. And, I do hope to share more stories with you very soon. For now, I share only that He has continued to grow my confidence that, in the Kingdom, God can accomplish much through patient waiting.... as we wait with Him, who has promised never to leave us.

And so, as I sit to write this... my heart and prayer tonight is especially with all of you who have been waiting, waiting for your hearts longings, waiting for the breakthrough of new life in relationships and situations and circumstances. As well as those who are particularly laboring in the vineyard of our Lord here in Europe... may our Mother Mary be with you to bring you comfort and the hope of her Son. In great confidence, I trust much is coming to all those who have waited on His promise.

"They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar as with eagle's wings; they will run and not grow weary, they will run and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

~ Mary, teach us what it is to be a family.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I am starting to settle in and wanted to share some pictures of my new home. Here is where I will be living. The picture at the top is the back of the building... I live in the large tower in the middle. The building is named after St. Anne (the mother of Mary). There is a statue of Anne with Mary over the door, you can vaguely see here.

The picture to the bottom is the view from my back door... it overlooks the chapel and the courtyard.

Isaiah 56:7 My House Shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I arrived today to the UK... there have been many blessings along the way today. The Customs officer who processed my entrance had actually been to SPEC, (the retreat center where I will be living) many times. In a place where few young people have ever been on a retreat, this was a great blessing. I felt quite warmly welcomed and it made things go remarkably smoothly. I have arrived to very warm springtime like weather and the flowers are all in bloom.

May the New Springtime of the Church also be here in Europe!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In Transit

Today, was the first practical step of moving day... and evidence that the Father cares for the details in our lives. I decided to ship over a few boxes to the UK. It is the most economic to ship by way of a company that handles these sort of shipments. I decided on a company called "OSI" ("Ocean Star Shipping International") Basically, they coordinate all the various aspects of this shipment... they hire a trucking company to pick up your things from your residence, they schedule the ship to bring it across the ocean... and then arrange the same at the other end. Yesterday, I received the names of the companies they have hired to pick my things up and place it on the ship. The trucking company is "Divine Trucking" and the Ship is "Blue Grace", the contact's name is "Moses". It is so often in the little things that the Father offers us evidence of His special care. I pray that today, you might anticipate His care in this way.

Here is the copy of the Bill of Lading:


ShipFrom PickupDate:02-08-2011

Kristin Niedbala

Ship To P:909-350-9000F:909-350-9499

Divine Trucking LLC

16905 Cherie Place

Carson,CA 90746





BOL BG2424811




2846S FalkenburgRoad

Riverview, FL 33578


Friday, February 4, 2011

Sending Forth :: UK mission update letter

These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. Rev. 14:4

My heart finds such tremendous joy and abandon in these words! These words are, in essence and simplicity, the missionary call for each of us. That we might intimately know the Good Shepherd and go wherever He goes. It is the invitation to be so available to Him that we might follow Him, step by step with childlike trust and dependency.

I feel such joy to be writing you today because in some way, God has blessed my journey to include knowing you and being blessed by you. And, in that, I wanted to share the joy of this ‘next step’ of my earthly pilgrimage. I am in the final stage of preparation to ‘follow the Lamb’ to Europe; specifically to St. Albans, UK. For me, that has meant several years of Him ‘courting my heart’ for this place, and for His Church there. As a missionary, this is such a mystery, as God places a great and quite intentional love for His people and His Church in a specific area…. this is His love for His people and it is a great privilege to have even a taste of that great love!

I have witnessed God’s sovereign movement in the U.K., and have seen many miraculous conversions and movements of God in His Kingdom. Most publicly, through Pope Benedict’s recent visit to the UK and also his establishing the first Anglican Ordinatriate which offers those in the Church of England, a way to come back and be in full communion with the Catholic Church and Rome, all while allowing some of the deeply rooted English tradition to remain. What an amazing time in history… as the Lord is making a way to unite us all in deeper communion. The Father is so faithful to answer the plea of Jesus “Holy Father, keep them in the name that you have given me. That they may be one just as we are” (John 17:11).

I have also witnessed many individual conversions as well as the Holy Spirit empowering many for the building up of the Church. Several times a month, I receive more emails from the UK, from parents giving testimony of how their teenagers have experienced for the first time the love of God, through the Eucharist. Or of youth ministers and priests, who were somewhat discouraged in the past, now receiving tremendous gifts of faith. In Mark’s gospel, Jesus’ first words, remain also the utterance for England today, “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” (John 1:15).

Wherever we ‘follow the Lamb’ into the world… this is the missionary proclamation. That we, through our lives, might proclaim, “God is HERE in our midst. He has come to set us free. He will do ALL that He said He would do. Believe and LIVE”!


One of the miracles of His Providence has come in how He has arranged for me to get into the U.K. As this call to the UK gained clarity, so to did the practical steps. The Diocese of Westminster was able to open a position for me to come on a Temporary Religious Worker – Missionary Visa. I will be moving to St. Albans, UK, a town north of London and living at a residential retreat center called, SPEC. There are 3 family’s who live here year round and 20 young adults who come to live for a year of formation and to help in the missionary outreach to youth throughout the diocese. My primary role will be to help in the formation of this community that is in the midst of a time of restructuring and renewal. I will also oversee the SPEC program’s retreat ministry and missionary outreach to teenagers in the Diocese of Westminster.

Additionally, I have remained quite connected with Life Teen Missions –Europe. And will be involved in continued formation for the Life Teen Missionaries residing in Germany as well as serving the current Life Teen Communities in Europe and those that will be starting in the UK. God is beautifully nurturing a family in Europe, between many individual communities in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. We all feel quite blessed to be experiencing this grace and blessing from the Lord, as we all feel yoked together in this mission.

I pray you will continue to partner with me in this mission.

Prayer Support

I am in much need of people committed to praying for me and the mission! I am quite confident that the fruits I have witnessed thus far are a result of the prayers that have been offered. There are tremendous challenges in bringing the gospel to England and in the building up of the Church there. Prayer is what helps till the hearts to be open to God’s love and truth. It allows obstacles to be removed and providence to be experienced. I humbly ask you to consider some commitment of prayer for this work in England. A weekly rosary, Mass, holy hour or some remembrance through your daily prayer would be a true gift.