Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Preparation... it is happening everywhere here in England. The city is cleaning and building in preparation for the Olympic Games that will be here next summer. Many of the students here are preparing for their upcoming exams. Today, I am cleaning the chapel knowing that we will be getting ready for Advent soon. And, just as I felt prompted to begin to clean the chapel and get ready for what was to come... there is an invitation also to be present interiorly to this time preceding Advent.

In the last blog, the Word highlighted from Ecclesiastes spoke of each season having its definite purpose. And what a beautiful time to be with Mary as she was in an intentional season before the Annunciation.

But does that time before the Angel came have to teach us? What does Mary teach us?

Surely, she must have had stirrings in her heart in those preceding weeks and months... desires which the Father had already knit into her. Desires which she would have been attentive to. Desires which she would have already been sharing with God as He awakened them in her heart. And what beauty that she teaches us that she simply remained in great humility and related all these stirrings in her heart back to God. She would not have taken them and tried to figure things out on her own or make sense of it all or demand immediate clarity or even move God's plan along ... no, she teaches us a more perfect way of surrender to the One who holds the seasons of our lives in His hands. She shows us how to be present to each moment and give all things back to God - always. She would have perfectly lived out that season preceding the annunciation.. for it indeed had a great purpose as well.

In my life He has given many opportunities to grow in patience. And I have grown to love the waiting. NOT that the waiting is easy or glamourous or something that would attract others as a way of living. BUT, I do know that He is IN the waiting. And because of that, there is faith in the waiting.. there is hope in the waiting... there is love in the waiting. So, when the world cries out for immediacy... even as others look for immediate evidence of great fruitfulness in ministry.. He is this contradiction and He is the only source of all fulfillment. We are all being prepared and we are all waiting for something... can we receive the hope in the waiting as Mary did? Can we share those desires to God?

For Mary, in those weeks months and years before the annunciation, The Father, her beloved, would have already been part of an ongoing exchange, as she shared all things with Him. In this sort of faithful sharing there is trust, intimacy and a communion of hearts. There is an invitation in this closeness to God also for each of us. This intimate love is what anchors us for all that may be difficult in our lives. And, through such a way of sharing there is the beauty of being emptied of our own Will.. in order to become open to receive His Will and His desires for our life.

One of the greatest gifts in my life is to be with Mary as she teaches my heart so much. And as we invite her into our lives during this time and we stay present to the present moment or the present season we can ask her to teach us to simply be present to each moment WITH God. And to share and relate everything back to God. For He who holds all things in His hands is the one to perfectly orchestrates each and every season of our lives!

The first lines from one of St Therese's prayers...
May there be peace within you.
Today, may you trust you are EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE MEANT TO BE

There is such hope in this. And a beautiful invitation of surrender.... trusting He is always leading... He is always caring.... and He is always the one looking ahead so that we can be where we need to be... in the PRESENT moment of our lives.

Mary, teach us to be present to the present moment, surrendered totally to the Fahter's perfect care!

Bless you all.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"To everything there is a season and a time for every affair under the heavens" Ecclesiastes 4:1

Above is a picture from Austria. Last month, I was so very blessed to be able to travel there for 10 days on silent retreat. What a great blessing of providence that the Father would arrange for this time away and that He would connect me to a wonderful American priest who has been living in Austria for nearly 20 years.

As you can see in the picture, when I arrived in Austria it was the peak of Autumn, with nature announcing the beauty of a change that was in process. The few days before I left for Austria there were only the first signs of this change in England... however, when I returned nearly all the leaves were fallen to the ground and the trees were barren. In what seemed like so short a time ... everything in nature had just 'moved right along' to something new.

After living in Arizona for so many years without any real seasonal changes, I experienced so much more amazement at natures transitions this year. Returning from Austria, as I drove onto the grounds at the SPEC Centre I was utterly amazed at how quickly things had looked so COMPLETELY different... yet how gently it had all happened. In that moment the Father reminded me.... the seasons of our lives can also change in an instant.

So much has seemed this same way here in England. For some things, it feels like I enter a new week and recognize suddenly but gently a new season has arrived. For example, families I have been journeying with who once felt alienated and far from Jesus' presence in the Sacraments and teachings of the Church are now experiencing much grace and blessings in the Sacramental life of Church. And true miracles of renewal and awakening are happening. Couples are praying together and are going to daily Mass and finding much consolation and grace. And they are experiencing a gift of Understanding in the Truth ... again, a new season has come.. yet it has been so gentle.

In this New Evangelization this seems to be such a hallmark of the renewal.. a change, an awakening, an intimacy with God.. yet so gentle.. like a dewfall that slowly gathers until it is noticed in the morning light.

Thank you Jesus for all you are doing! We pray that You would renew your Church, Lord.